Qigong Classes

Tai Chi Qigong Classes Noble Park Melbourne Australia

Tai Chi Qigong Classes in Greater Dandenong and Noble Park

QiGong for Stress and Anxiety

Qigong is a wonderful way to do some gentle healing exercises to strengthen the immune system and de-stress. Qigong is also known as a Meditation in Motion.

NEW Qigong Classes at Noble Park

Every Monday Morning 11:15am - 12:00pm

Every Saturday Afternoon 2:00pm - 2:45pm

Only $5 per Session

Book Your Spot Here or just come along.

Where: Noble Park Community Centre 44 Memorial Drive Noble Park 3174

0407 096 191  Michael

Email Us or SMS 
Beginners Welcome

Noble Park Community Center



Why Should you Practice Qigong? 

Whether you are just beginning your Qigong journey, or you have been practicing for a little while, you may need a little inspiration! There are many reasons to practice Qigong, and so many benefits that we get from regular, simple practices. I am reminded almost daily through emails and messages that people send me, which is so incredibly inspiring! While I can go on and on about why you should practice Qigong, I'll just mention 3 reasons.

Reason 1: Qigong helps increase circulation without causing strain. Every health professional would suggest that healthy circulation through the muscles, joints, spine, brain, skin, and soft tissue is very beneficial to health. It is also necessary ?
The key is, we need to increase circulation without causing excessive strain in the body. It would be great to go for a hard run up the side of a mountain, but in reality the chance of injury is relatively high. Qigong Classes in Melbourne's South East offers a gentle method of stimulation that will not harm or strain the body.

Reason 2: Qigong is an excellent tool to help manage and reduce stress. There is no doubt that we, as a culture, carry too much tension, stress, and excessive emotion. Most of us have never really learned how to manage this. Qigong is an excellent tool (along with many others) to teach ourselves to unwind, relax, and find a state of tranquility.

Reason 3: Qigong is an excellent tool to help with prevention.

You've heard the phrase "An ounce of prevention equals a pound of cure." It is very true! If we can find a way to prevent illnesses from progressing, address aches and pains before they become a major issue, and slow down the aging process, it would be excellent for long and short term health. Qigong can be one tool that helps with prevention of future health issues.

So those are 3 simple reasons to practise Qigong Classes in the South East Suburbs of Melbourne.

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